Finland Quality Design customers have the right to return products within 30 days of delivery. When returning a product, it must be in unchanged condition, including the packing material and accessories.

We strongly recommend that you use a trackable shipping service when returning a product. When we receive the products, we will refund their price within 14 days from the day that the product is delivered to Finland Quality Design. We will not refund the shipping cost. In case of free shipping, we will deduct the actual shipping cost. If you use your right to return a product, the retun shipping costs, customs and handlings fees will be paid by you.

If the returned product has been used, damaged or is unsuitable for resale, Finland Quality Design has the right to charge a fee for loss of value up to the full price of the product.

The products can be returned to the address from the invoice, however, you must contact us first to notify about the intention to return.

You can always cancel your order before the shipment has been dispatched from our warehouse. Your cancellation must be sent by e-mail or by contacting customer service, covering all order details. If you need more information regarding returns, please contact customer service